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Save cruelty-free cosmetics



Skincare companies invite you today to sign the European citizen initiative supported by animal rights activits such as PETA, Cruelty Free Europe, Humane Society International (HSI), Europ-group for animals and European Coalition to end Animal Experiments ECEAE.

The objective is to collect one million signatures from European countries asking for the maintenance of cruelty-free laws and ban of animal Experiments.

As a reminder, testing cosmetics and cometics ingredients are forbidden in Europe since 2004 and 2009. It is forbidden to sale cosmetics that have been tested on animals within Euorpe since 2013.

But recently, the European Agency for chemical products has aked industrials, in the context of REACH regulation, experiements on 2 UV filter exclusively used in cosmetics : the Homosalate and Ethylhexyl salicylate. This request has been granted by the Chamber of in August 2020.  

cruelty-free and animal rights activits have of course been chocked by this decision and initiated a Euorpean Citizen Initiative  called “Save Cruelty-free cosmetics – Commit to a Europe without animal testing”.

The commission consideres this citizen initiative as valid and accepted it on juridicial level on June 2021 30th.

The holders of this initiatives, the time to collect signatures started on August 31st 2021.  : one million signatures from 7 different EU-States have to be collected in less than one year for the Comission to take this initaive seriously. 

Le Château du Bois supports PETA in its battle against animal suffering in general and has always advocate for cruelty-free cosmetics in France, Europe, and other countries by refusing to tackle markets where animal testing is requiered to register cosmetics.

Thank you for supporting this action by following this link : 


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